Class details
Thursday 10:30am – 3.30pm
7 May – 4 June
£40 per session – £140 if you pay for the whole course up front.
10% discount for concessions
Basic materials included and the tutor will supply some materials at a small cost.
This is a 4 week beginners course for learners with little experience.
You don’t need any particular skills to join in – you will be introduced to a range of ways to colour fabric and paper using simple methods such transfer paints, printing and hand painting. This collection of fabrics and papers will be used to create a set of appliquéd /collaged pieces that will be further developed using hand stitching
What will you cover?
Week 1: Use transfer dyes /disperse dyes to explore colour overlays line and pattern
Week 2: Use fabric painting to experiment with mark making and overlays
Week 3: Experiment with appliqué / collage to produce a set of small samples or a
completed contemporary textile piece .
Week 4: Use a variety of embroidery hand stitches to decorate samples
About the Tutor
Amarjeet Nandhra is a practising artist, with training in Graphic Communication, Print and Textile Art. She has also worked as an Art Director on various independent short films. As a freelance tutor and lecturer, she has taught a range of courses; printmaking, mixed media and textiles, at Diploma level, City & Guilds and in Adult Education. Her teaching career expands over 25 years. Amarjeet is also a member of Studio 21 textile art and (TSG) Textile Study Group, two of the most exciting textile art groups.