Class details
Coffee with Hayley is on Wednesdays
Join Rolfer and professional dancer Hayley J S Matthews for a short video movement lesson during your coffee break.
Designed to have a positive impact on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing through movement, these exercises help you move with ease and grace to strength and freedom. We’ll stream them on Facebook
Hayley also offers online one-to-one posture and movement sessions. (Live one – to – one sessions and workshops at OPEN coming soon.) Visit her website and get in touch
Learn how Rolfing can help posture, alignment, long-term pain, injury recovery, trauma and improved performance, giving you more ease and grace in what you want to do with your body and your life. One-to-ones can also be focused on over-coming mental and emotional health challenges through a body- based approach.
Coffee with Hayley lessons are free but if you would like to make a donation please do so via paypal using Hayley’s email address