Class details
Always wanted to have a go at writing fiction? Why not try this Creative Writing Taster Session and see how you get on? It’s in two parts:
1. Describe a serious weather event. A blizzard? Gale? Flood? It’s up to you. But describe it from the standpoint of someone watching it from a window.
2. Now dramatize that same weather event from the point of view of someone out in it, experiencing it full on. What does it feel like? How does it assail their senses? Which ones? Why are they out there in the first place? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Who’s that person watching them from a window? Have fun with it. Keep going…
See, hear, feel, smell and taste the difference? The first version is reportage. The second is fiction, with skin in the game.
If you enjoyed that Creative Writing taster session and would like to develop your skills further in a supportive workshop looking at such areas as genre, point of view, character creation, conflict, scenes, structure and plot, head over to OPEN Ealing’s sign-up page.