Class details
Saturday Afternoon Life Drawing is a tutored session led by Sheila Moylan. Once a month Sheila leads a friendly class for anyone who wants some guidance on how to draw to the human figure. There’s no need to sign up for all sessions, just pay as you go.
Saturday Afternoon
2 – 4pm
1 February
1 March
5 April
3 May
7 June
Pay As You Go Rates per session : Full Price £25 / Concession £20
If you have no or little experience in life drawing and want to learn how to draw the human figure, this is an ideal class for you. We have created a supportive friendly setting where you start to get to grips with
- proportions of the human body
- how to measure angles
- how to use tone and shadow to make your drawing 3D
- faces, hands and feet
- how to use colour!
However, if you want a refresher, or just enjoy drawing figurative art, you’ll be very welcome too. Every week we use a different professional model so you get to draw a wide variety of figures, both male and female. The models strike a series of short and long poses. Sheila provides feedback and makes sure that you get the most out of the session.
We keep the group numbers low so everyone gets one to one tuition with Sheila during the session.
Have you ever wanted to try life drawing but feel you haven’t got the skills to even start? Join Sheila for an enjoyable two hours on Saturday Afternoon Life Drawing.