
Ealing Extranormal Volume 28 : Experimental Music

15 Jun

OPEN Ealing Arts Centre W5 2TD

£12 in advance (£15 on the door)

Event details

Join us for Ealing Extranormal Volume 28. It is a monthly showcase for sonically adventurous experimental music in West London in association with OPEN Ealing.

Saturday 15 June

7.30 – 10pm


Advance Ticket Fee = £12*

Ticket Fee on the door = £15

* We have a number of free guest passes for those unable to pay the price of admission (no questions asked). Please contact the organisers directly through the ticketing page, one per applicant.

There is no bar, so please bring your own refreshments.

The Programme

In this edition we feature sets from

The Bohman Brothers

Adam Bohman and Jonathan Bohman have been recording together since their early teens and playing live since 1984. Their repertoire includes a combination of sounds created in the moment and distinct
compositions including songs. They use unconventional instruments, household objects, dislocated text from found, literary and commercial sources and collaged layers of recordings. They have performed at Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Roundhouse, Royal Albert Hall, South Bank and numerous smaller venues around the UK. Also across Europe and America.

Pillars of Golden Misery

Dark noise-scapes with influences from film soundtracks and an 8 bit aesthetic. Favours the use of physical/circuit bent hardware for live performance.

Raimund Wong

Raimund Wong has a diverse graphic and sound practice that draws on musique concrète and dub,
using 4-track recorders with cassette-loops as rudimentary samplers, and shaping feedback & abstractions via bespoke home-built studio units and dub/noise processing staples. He strives to
present an optimistic, eternal view of mankind where sounds and voices from disparate space and
time can work together in harmony.

House of Quiet

HoQ is John Davidson, an improvised ambient/noise/field recording artist from Glasgow, now living in Exeter. Active in various guises (Blacktron One, UpWorlder, Mairant and more) since 2002. HoQ was born of a love of the frequencies between radio stations and a desire to replicate that feeling with guitar. Though primarily studio-based, all pieces by HoQ are single-take improvised performances.

We look forward to seeing you at Ealing Extranormal Volume 28.

There is no bar, so please bring your own refreshments.

Please be considerate of others who may be more concerned than you regarding social distancing etc. Some participants are at increased risk from Covid, so if you are unwell on the day, rather than struggling to attend please contact the organisers for a replacement ticket for a future date.

Curated by Martin Lau


Click HERE to get your tickets