Class details
Expressive Mark Making is a two day course with professional artist and experienced educator, Amarjeet Nandhra.
7 & 14 October
10.30am – 3pm
Limited to 6 artists
Course Fees: Full Price – £150 : Retiree Price – £135 : Concession Price – £110
During this course we aim to free and liberate your attitude towards drawing, which will allow you to generate a series of expressive and experimental drawings.
Playing with and enjoying materials such as inks, graphite and bleach and using techniques like piercing and frottage, you will create wonderful abstract marks and textures. You’ll create innovative mixed media experiments working from personal objects you bring to the course.
No matter your level of experience, everyone is welcome to join this expressive mark making course.

Materials Required for Expressive Mark Making
We shall supply:
- A4 good quality white cartridge paper
- A range of white rectangular sticky labels
- Water based ink (Quink)
- Bleach
- Water pots
- Paint palettes
- Paint brushes
- Masking tapes
- A range of mark making tools
- Awls and large needles
- A range of threads
- Disposable gloves
You will need to bring:
- A couple of objects to inform your drawing ( jewellery, shells, natural forms, any item that has interesting surface and marks)
- A range of shiny, matt or brown papers – medium to heavyweight papers are best. If you use lightweight paper, it will buckle.
- A selection of small sticky labels – circle, square any shape
- Oil pastels / Coloured pencils (for example: ink tense or aquarelle )
- Marker pens / biro
- A range of inks and /or acrylic paints (colours relevant to your objects)
- An apron (and gloves if you require anything special)
We shall provide light refreshments throughout the day; however we do not provide lunch. Please bring your own lunch, or make the most of all that Dickens Yard has to offer.

About the Tutor
Amarjeet Nandhra is a practising artist, with training in Graphic Communication, Print and Textile Art. She has also worked as an Art Director on various independent short films.
Her teaching career spans over 25 years. As a freelance tutor and lecturer, she has taught a range of courses including printmaking, mixed media and textiles from beginner to diploma level.
Amarjeet is a member of Studio 21 textile art and Textile Study Group (TSG); two of the most exciting textile art groups.
For more information about Amarjeet and her work please visit her website