Class details
Thursday 10:30 – 3.30pm
18 June – 20 August
£60 per session – £430 if you pay for the whole course up front.
10% discount for concessions
Basic materials included and the tutor will supply some materials at a small cost.
This 10 week course is for intermediate and advanced level students who have some knowledge of textile processes and be willing to experiment and push to further develop your ideas.
Using a variety of techniques such as print, stitch, mixed-media and drawing we will explore text, pattern, mark making and colour. Working with your own theme to inspire your samples, this could either lead to a finished piece or a portfolio collection, depending on your personal choice. The course is designed to take your textiles to the next level, by offering a range of design processes, textile techniques and individual support . The emphasis will be on experimentation and extending textile boundaries .
What will you cover? :
Week 1 & 2 Design: Use a sketchbook to research and develop ideas for textiles, developing a personal theme. We will explore a range of mark making and drawing techniques. This collection may be used to inspire sessions 3-10.
Week 3 & 4 Printing: Explore a range of printing techniques such as mono printing, stencils and block. You will make your own blocks and stencils. The aim is to create a set of fabric prints, which explore overprinting, the use of colour, mark making, patterns and texture.
Week 5 & 6 Surface Decoration: Experimenting with a range of heat and image transfer methods to apply surface decoration. You will use transfer foils, puff binder and lamination methods .
Week 7 & 8 Hand Embroidery: Experiment with a range of hand embroidery stitches to create marks, texture and embellish. You will explore a variety of stitches for you to creatively interpret. These will include stitches from the chain family, buttonhole, loop, couching and line family.
About the Tutor
Amarjeet Nandhra is a practising artist, with training in Graphic Communication, Print and Textile Art. She has also worked as an Art Director on various independent short films. As a freelance tutor and lecturer, she has taught a range of courses;
printmaking, mixed media and textiles, at Diploma level, City & Guilds and in Adult Education. Her teaching career expands over 25 years. Amarjeet is also a member of Studio 21 textile art and (TSG)Textile Study Group, two of the most exciting textile art groups.