Class details
Learn to Draw with Sheila Moylan in just six weeks. This introductory course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn how to draw, or refresh skills last used years ago.
10am – 12pm
17 September – 22 October
Course Fees: Full £120 ; Retired £100 ; Concession £75
Pay As You Go Rates: Full £25 ; Retired £20 ; Concession £15
Limited to 10 participants
Learn to Draw is a hands on practical course in drawing that shows you how you can use just a humble pencil to create the texture of soft skin, the hard shiny surface of glass, or how to transform a circle into a sphere that might just roll off the page!
- Look at the principles involved in drawing interiors and objects within them (perspective)
- Learn how to give weight and depth to any image (tone/shadow)
- Learn how to measure angles and shapes of what we see without rulers or protractors (just another pencil)
- Experiment with colour and learn how to create interesting and balanced compositions
- Shall produce work that you will be proud to show, even exhibit.
This course is designed for total beginners or those who are rusty or struggle with certain aspects of drawing.
By the end of this Learn to Draw course, you will be more confident in your mark making ability and be able to draw still life, interiors and of course, people.
Sheila uses notes to highlight techniques and handy tips during the workshops. We shall email them to you once the course is finished so that you can continue your development at home, in your own time.
We provide the following materials
- A set of Sketching Pencils
- A Hard Backed A3 Sketchbook
- Eraser, Sharpener & Ruler
About the Tutor
Sheila Moylan has a B.A. (Hons) Fine Art Sculpture and Psychology from UEL where she focused on body casting and self portraiture graduating in 1995.
She has worked creatively with young people for most of her career mainly in schools at one point running an alternative programme to GCSE in Richmond making art the main subject. Since 2015 has worked within Ealing running art classes for adults with learning difficulties for local charity Artification and for the last three years has successfully run Life Drawing classes at OPEN Ealing including piloting a Life Drawing for Beginners and Sculpture for Beginners class and children’s classes. Her approach is inclusive, supportive and encouraging to even absolute beginners.
She has exhibited her work at Slaughterhouse Gallery Smithfield, Orleans House Gallery Richmond and more recently the W3 Gallery in Acton, but mainly works on commission.
Sheila’s website: